TINA: Magazine

Mundo Joven (1971 - 1973)

Tina Turner - Mundo Joven - Magazine

Issue from 1973

Mundo Joven was a weekly Spanish youth and music magazine, published between 1968 and 1973. Ike & Tina Turner have been twice on the cover with title stories. The story from October 1971 was also featured on the cover of the album Goodbye So Long the same year, while Ike & Tina were on tour in Spain.

Issue: February 10, 1973
Writer: José María Iñigo
Story: Un Terremoto LLamado Tina (An Earthquake Called Tina) / Con la fuerza de un hurican, la cantante de color está haciendo una jira por Europa, para presentar su ultimo LP (With the power of a hurican, the singer of colour is touring Europe to present her latest album)
Language: Spanish

Issue: October 02, 1971
Story: Tina Turner: La Mejor 'Show-Woman' (The Greatest Show-Woman) / Por Fin En España (Finally In Spain)
Language: Spanish

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