Musikexpress Sounds is a monthly German magazine, which mainly covers rock and pop music, reviews of recordings and concert reports. Tina Turner was six times on the cover of the magazine.
Issue: July 1993
Pages: 5
Interview: Geoff Baker
Story: Hello...Goodbye
Language: German
Issue: September 1989
Pages: 4
Interview: Peter Jebsen
Story: Rock & Retirement
Language: German
Issue: April 1987
Pages: 3
Writer: Bernd Gockel
Story: Roger Davies: The Man Behind Tina Turner
Language: German
Issue: November 1986
Pages: 4
Interview: Bernd Gockel
Story: Farewell from the stage
Language: German
Issue: March 1985
Pages: 4
Interview: Bernd Gockel
Photographer: Norman Seeff, Brian Aris
Story: Shadows of the past - Scenes of a marriage
Language: German
Issue: October 1984
Pages: 5
Writer: Gert Gliniorz
Story: Special Story: Soul Survivor
Language: German