TINA: Television

Tien Om Te Zien (1989)

Tina Turner - Tien Om Te Zien - TV

Tina with Bea Van der Maat & Willy Sommers

Tien Om Te Zien was a music programme on the Flemish television channel VTM from 1989 to 2008. Tina was at least once guest on the show to promote her album Foreign Affair with the performance of two songs and an interview. The segment with Tina performing Steamy Windows is available on the VTM website. The performance at 'Tien Om Te Zien' was ill-omened, as Tina's flight was delayed and she subsequently had a car breakdown on the way to the studio. But professional as she always was, she managed to arrive and performed for her fans.

The Best, Steamy Windows (Playback) / Interview

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