The Tonight Show is an American late-night talk show, airing on NBC since 1954. Johnny Carson moderated the show thirty years from 1962 until 1992. This compilation „Here’s Johnny - Magic Moments from the Tonight Show“ features live performances from different artist like Aretha Franklin, Bette Midler and Billy Holiday. Ike & Tina Turner were guests on August 05, 1971 and performed live their singles It’s Gonna Work Out Fine and Let Me Touch Your Mind. The first one is exclusively available on this record. It’s a special collector’s edition, including a 25th year anniversary poster.
Release: 1974
Label: Casablanca
Format: 2 Vinyl (Gatefold)
CashBox - November 30, 1974
A fantastic two record set, including a special poster, this LP offers some of the best music and comedy ever to be released in one package. Commemorating the Johnny Carson success story and the many stars who have emerged after appearing on his NBC-TV nightly talk show the set features appearances by Groucho Marx, Ike & Tina Turner, Bette Midler, Lenny Bruce, Pearl Bailey, Sammy Davis, Aretha Franklin, The Smothers Brothers and the unforgettable Art Fern.