CBS Mornings is an American morning television program on CBS. It debuted in 2021, hosted among others by Gayle King and serves as a direct replacement for CBS This Morning.
Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King, who traveled together in Italy were on the show on May 25, 2023. They recalled learning the news of Tina’s passing and shared the last moments together with her: „Tina wasn't doing well, but still when you get the news, it was a shock. I was certainly aware that she was ill but I had seen her in 2019 and gone to visit her in the hospital and she had said to me then that she was actually ready to go, meaning, ready to leave the planet. I expected then that was going to be the last time that I saw her. I just have to say that her husband, Erwin Bach, is the most extraordinary person I’ve ever known. I mean, he literally willed her to live and she's been through, you know, one health crisis after another, but she came back.“
Winfrey also posted a reflective tribute to Tina the day before: „I started out as a fan of Tina Turner, then a full-on groupie, following her from show to show around the country, and then, eventually, we became real friends. She is our forever goddess of rock 'n' roll who contained a magnitude of inner strength that grew throughout her life. She was a role model not only for me but for the world. She encouraged a part of me I didn’t know existed. Once she claimed her freedom from years of domestic abuse, her life became a clarion call for triumph. I’m grateful for her courage, for showing us what victory looks like wearing Manolo’s and a leather miniskirt. She once shared with me that when her time came to leave this earth, she would not be afraid, but excited and curious. Because she had learned how to LIVE surrounded by her beloved husband, Erwin, and friends. I am a better woman, a better human, because her life touched mine. She was indeed simply the best.“