TINA: Fashion

Gianni Versace

Tina Turner - Giani Versace - Fashion

Donatella Versace, Gianni Versace and Tina Turner / Copyright: Gian Paolo Barbieri

Giovanni 'Giani' Versace was an Italian fashion designer and the founder of Versace, an international luxury-fashion house with accessories, fragrances, make-up, home furnishings and clothes. Tina Turner wore Versace at her Wildest Dreams Tour, a wonderful silver dress covered in Swarovski crystals, especially designed for her together with Wayne Scot Lukas.

Donatella Versace about Tina Turner:

„My brother Gianni and I dressed Tina when she performed in Milan. We created a lingerie-style minidress made from crystal mesh, very short. When she saw it, she said, ‘Shorter.’ As she put the dress on and looked at herself in the mirror, there was a sudden change in her attitude. The lioness came out. Tina really understands and is able to harness the power of clothes. Backstage, before the performance, she danced with Gianni. It was magical, I will never forget that moment. On stage, her energy was incredible!“

Tina Turner - Giani Versace - Fashion

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